Sunday, June 9, 2013

Sugar and Spice...Not So Nice

This past weekend I went down to Bloomington for the IU Alumni Leaders Conference.  I always enjoy getting down to Bloomington to see friends who are part of the Hoosier family.  The staff of the IUAA always do a fantastic job and I sometimes wonder if they ever take time for themselves with all the work that they do. 

Part of being in Bloomington includes a trip to Sugar and Spice (after all the meetings are held in the Union) and Nicks.  Remember how I said I don't always eat that great? Well, this past weekend was a perfect example.  I had 3 glasses of wine Friday night, 1 Special K Chewy, 3 chocolate no bake cookies and 1 piece of chocolate cake throughout the weekend. 

I know, gross.  Gross is exactly how I felt after eating that much sugar.  Yes, the cookies were spread out over 2 days but the effects of sugar and poor eating are more noticeable once someone makes a concerted effort to eat healthy.  I felt lethargic and gross until sometime Sunday afternoon as I spent all of Sunday morning drinking tons of water, eating fruit, oatmeal, almond milk and my protein shake.  The water has helped flush my system.  Once one starts to pay more attention to what they eat, you can tell the difference when you have a day or two of eating bad.  However, all it takes is a quick turnaround (so don't make the poor eating a habit) and several hours of eating clean and drinking water to bounce right back and feel better.  I rarely have crazy times like this past weekend but when I do I always feel the same- gross, lazy and tired.  But, I have to say that sometimes these weekends are definitely worth it and it was.  I had a great time.

As you start to eat cleaner, ask yourself how you feel.  I guarantee you will start to feel better before you see difference in your clothes, mirror or scale.  To me, that is the reason to eat healthy; to feel good.  I have more energy when I eat right, get plenty of sleep and don't drink alcohol. I love that feeling even more than being a size smaller. 

What foods make you feel lethargic?  Have you been able to cut them out of your life? How do you feel when you eat them?  Would love to hear feedback!

Below is a picture from the weekend!

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