Monday, March 24, 2014


I have to admit I really wanted to title this Listen First, but wasn't sure if the YMCA has copyrighted the phrase. I worked for the Y a couple of years back and my favorite thing about working there was the professional development and training they did for all of their employees. One training was called Listen First and it dealt with customer service and really hearing what people are saying to you. Our HR person (who is hilarious) would say "so what I hear you saying is...". I still use that phrase today- you would be surprised how many times people say "no, what I mean is..." Or "well, kinda..."

By now you are probably wondering what in the heck does this post have to do with exercise. Listening to your body is so important when it comes to a healthy lifestyle. I can tell when I need to eat better, drink more water, get a massage..and I listen to my body.  Now, I can also tell when I need a rest day from the gym but rarely do I listen.

Me: Body, what I hear you saying is that I should only run 4 miles instead of 6-7.
Body: No, I am saying sit on the couch and get a good nights rest.

I never really hear what my body is saying unless I am sick to the point where a dr. Has to tell me to stay home. I literally need a dr. To tell me to stay home. Today though I decided to listen. I am exhausted.  The past week I have woken up with a sore lower back and have had trouble sleeping at night- all signs of overtraining. It hit me that I am training harder than I ever did in my 20's but I am still hitting the gym 6-7 days a week. I am 35 now and realize I need to listen to my body or I may not be working out at all by the age of 50.  So my goal is to work out 5-6 days a week and I encourage you all to do the same- perhaps even aiming for 3-4 days a week. I am not sure my body would like cutting back that drastically,  but maybe I will try it one day.. :)

While healthy living is important and exercise is a key component - I would be at the gym for 75-150 minutes at a time for 6-7 days a week. I think listening to my body and dialing back is a key to my own healthy living.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Photo shopping

Today there was a story that broke about Target and the photo shopping that is done on pretty much EVERY model you see in any sort of print campaign. Even if they have what is considered a great body by media standards (which are not my standards), I can guarantee that something has been "perfected": a mole, a zit, a slight scar that she has from falling as a kid..every fine line can be erased.
What upsets me about the target ad is that it was geared towards teenage girls. How many girls remember being a teenager? No matter what, at one time you felt too tall, too short, too fat, too skinny, braces, no braces, zits,  no zits, boobs,  flat as a board- no matter what there was always something that girls feel insecure about. I was insecure about everything, my butt, my hips, my legs...all things that as a 35 year old woman I love, but as a teen?!?
The Target image added a new concern that young girls have to worry about now... Thigh gap.. Huh!?! That is almost impossible to achieve in a healthy manner. Look at the picture below. The thigh gap is there...but it looks like she lost part of her lady parts to get it. I don't date much and clearly don't know what guys like, but I am pretty sure that missing lady parts isn't attractive to most guys and if that's what it takes to get a thigh gap... My guess is your boyfriend will tell you to eat a cheeseburger..and fries..and cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory.
As a society we must address these images! They are just as unhealthy as being obese- and maybe more!! Eating disorders are rampant yet super skinny girls don't seem to be as stigmatized as bigger girls.  How often do we say to girls that they are so thin or so tiny or consider losing weight to be a compliment? I say from here on out I am celebrating those who look healthy and fit.. At any size. Strong is the new skinny! 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Row, Row, Row

Tonight I attended a lecture on leading positively and asset based thinking. During the lecture, Dr. Kathy Kramer-the speaker- had us break into four groups and sing the children's song "Row, Row Your Boat" in rounds. While at the time I didn't relate it to this fitness journey, after I got home and reflected the verses fit well into many areas of life. I will break down each verse and how I relate it to my personal journey.
Row, Row, Row Your Boat: WORK! Do what it takes to keep moving towards your goal, vision, dream.
Gently Down The Stream: Work but be gentle, don't wear yourself out. Don't expect changes overnight and don't beat yourself up if you have a day, week, or season that isn't as great as it could have been.
Merrily, Merrily, Merrily: BE HAPPY! No matter where you are in the journey, be happy. You are you and you are taking charge of your health- notice I said health, not weight or jeans size.
Life's About A Dream: life is all about dreams- if your dream is to be healthy, go for it! Chase that dream, but remember its a journey- ups and downs are a part of life.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Long time no see

Wow... Had no idea I had not posted on this since June. I mean I know that I have not posted in a while but wow.... 9 months?!? No, I did not make a baby or anything fun. I have just been super busy and maybe in a bit of a stressed out funk. The weather here in the Midwest has been atrocious and I have only wanted comfort food, sweets, and junk. I most definitely have not been eating healthy consistently. I still eat healthy but sweets have creeped in more than normal and diet coke has been my drug of choice.
In this time though I have had some pretty interesting frumpy to fit moments. I went on a cruise right after the holidays, briefly dated a guy around that time and came back 15 pounds heavier...eek.... After 2 days of water and kale smoothies I dropped 8 pounds and am still about 5 pounds heavier than I want to be- yet thinner than I was in high school so I need to be kind to myself. I have decided that if I would not say something to a friend then I won't say it to myself! I do look fine and I know it.
Being fit is more than a size or number on the scale. It's being healthy and happy and I have found that when I weigh right around where I am now I run farther and faster. It may not be healthy for me to be 5-10 pounds lower-despite wanting to fit into my size 4 or 6 clothes again. Nothing wrong with being a 6 or 8-especially when that 6 or 8 is because my legs are rock solid from squats and lunges and I was a 15/16 in high school- weight has always been something I have to  be aware of, but I have learned I no longer have to battle it. It's life- life has ups and downs and so does my scale :).
A couple of friends have asked me to keep posting so I am going to try- I can't make any guarantees :).  I do like talking fitness with all of you and helping some of you on your own journey. I recently gave some advice that helped a friend when a Biggest Loser contest! Score! I was so happy for her.
Once this weather breaks, I will be more motivated to eat healthier and hopefully less tired too which will motivate me to post more too.